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Breeding Season in full swing


Eagerly awaiting the arrival of our 1st 2016 foal.

Kirtle Maple Leaf in foal to Castle Comet is due tomorrow!! looking very well and moving on productively but not looking quite ready. Fingers crossed for a safe delivery of baby.

Kippure Lancelot is already in high demand, we are thrilled to have mares here sent to him direct from his native origin, Connemara in Ireland.


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Stud Manager, 07809 340659

Visitors Welcome by Appointment.

The Grange Barn

Moor Lane


North Yorkshire


Sat Nav users please make sure that you look for GRANGE BARN, on MOOR LANE. There is a huge stone with Grange Barn on it at the entrance and oak gates. Your Sat nav may take you to the next door neighbours which is Barrowby Grange - we are GRANGE BARN. Please do not go through black gates as this is a private residential address even though it has horses and jumps in the field near the entrance. Thank You. 

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