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Veterinary Services

We are not a one rule for all stud, we will work with our clients in the best and most effective way in order to achieve your goal of a pregnancy. We are aware of the highs and lows of all processes and we are happy to share our experience and options with you. 

Mares who use our stud services, be it, natural cover by one of our stallions, AI from one of our stallions or AI from an outside stallion, some form of veterinary intervention will be required. If we are doing everything from start to finish the most cost effective way is to sign up to a veterinary scheme, they work out far cheaper in the long run than individual billing. 

We are happy to take mares for natural covering (subject to availability) if they have been swabbed at home and the certificate with the passport name is emailed to the office and you know when your mare is in season - this way we can limit veterinary care to pregnancy checking 14 days post last cover. 

If you have no idea when your mare is in season, in order for your mares stay to be time and cost effective we will scan her on arrival to determine where she is in her cycle.

There are instances in reproduction where mares throw abnormalities to their cycle which can make it tricky to take in foal, with regular checks before and post covering we can identify these issues therefore horses on a scheme are preferable. If you have had issues in the past with obtaining a pregnancy please tell us. We are happy to try natural for the first cycle but should this not work we would recommend monitoring the cycle - we would scan along the way and see what is happening to see if there is reason or intervention that could help to obtain a pregnancy, there are instances where natural cover is not suitable and we can switch to AI if we should need to. 

Veterinary Packages

All veterinary fees are to be paid directly to the Stud.

Attending vet is Dr Charles Cooke BSc (Hons), BVetMed Cert EM(StudMed) MRCVS of Equine Reproductive Services, Malton.

Pre-paid Package inc CEM


Best Package Offer.

CEM Swab and External lab Fee inc Certification

3 Pre breeding scans

Standard Hormones

Pregnancy scans at 14 days, 21, days, 28 days and 42 days

Twin Management

Pre - paid Package no CEM 


Additional cycles to the first.

3 Pre breeding scans

Standard Hormones

Pregnancy scans at 14 days, 21, days, 28 days and 42 days

Twin Management

Pay as you go


Packages are the best value. 

If you chose this option items will be billed on an individual basis.


Stud Manager, 07809 340659

Visitors Welcome by Appointment.

The Grange Barn

Moor Lane


North Yorkshire


Sat Nav users please make sure that you look for GRANGE BARN, on MOOR LANE. There is a huge stone with Grange Barn on it at the entrance and oak gates. Your Sat nav may take you to the next door neighbours which is Barrowby Grange - we are GRANGE BARN. Please do not go through black gates as this is a private residential address even though it has horses and jumps in the field near the entrance. Thank You. 

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