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Youngstock Livery Services

Full livery for your Young stock. 

Availability for Fillies and Colts.

At Barrowby we understand that young horses and ponies need to live a natural life to thrive, we offer herd environment living in same sex groups all year around. Our fields are fenced with post and rail, we have auto water and natural shelter options. In the winter we provide adlib hay on stone tracks.  

Colts are on a different site to the Mares and Fillies.  

You have the option that we can handle and give your young stock the same start that our Barrowby ponies are renowned for, this not only sets the young stock up with wonderful grounding it also increases the value and sale-ability of your young stock. 

We have clients looking for young stock that we do not have available for sale, 

if you have something to sell please do get in touch. 

Grass Livery Summer

Colts and Fillies. Rolling pastures, herd environment, well fenced and maintained land, daily checks are all the things you can expect from summer grass livery.  April to October 

(weather permitting)

Grass/Barn Livery Winter

Well draining land, adlib hay and daily checks. Grazing Winter livery is limited and early booking is recommended. 

Winter barn livery is small groups of similar stock in new build well ventilated barns with 24/7 access to forage, water and socialising. 

Weaning Livery

Individual plans catered for, long and short term stays. We can accommodate both mares and foals for the weaning process, ensuring a safe environment for both.   

Youngstock Prep 

We can help you to sell your pony, present them for inspection or competition.  Everything from presentation, sales photos and education. 

For examples of our sales pictures click learn more. 


Stud Manager, 07809 340659

Visitors Welcome by Appointment.

The Grange Barn

Moor Lane


North Yorkshire


Sat Nav users please make sure that you look for GRANGE BARN, on MOOR LANE. There is a huge stone with Grange Barn on it at the entrance and oak gates. Your Sat nav may take you to the next door neighbours which is Barrowby Grange - we are GRANGE BARN. Please do not go through black gates as this is a private residential address even though it has horses and jumps in the field near the entrance. Thank You. 

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